It has come to this: the correct pronunciation and meaning of the acronym used to signify the party of Abraham Lincoln is now “gawp”- to stare stupidly. Which seems to be the case as the Republican Party watches their candidate violate the truths we hold as self evident.

I hadn’t expected to have a ringside seat at the prophesized End Times, but it seems that 50% of Americans are prepared to give the nuclear code to a man who said this of his opponent:

“We had a woman debating. She just talked about, like, the birds and the bees. She didn’t talk about … when you asked a question, there was never an answer. There was never any knowledge. When you saw her the other day, and by the way, when she did the interview previous with the Pennsylvania person who was a nice person, I know him very well, they were the softest questions, she was unable, literally unable to answer the questions. We can’t have that. We cannot have it. We need four strong years, we have to bring our country back.”

Let us pray that J.D. Vance is a Trojan Horse, whether by his own design or that of the Divine. Perhaps he is the Ad-Vance Man for the Second Coming, the words he speaks serving as a conduit for a bolt of lightening adjacent to his running mate.


*etymologically, from the ancient Hebrew word for “truth.” Not Truth Social.